Monday, August 6, 2007


Well, Saturday was Allison's 11th birthday. She's almost a teenager. That means that I will have 3 teenagers in my home in two years. HELP!!! She had a great day. We weren't able to go to Hatcher's Pass because of the rain, again!!!! So, we had a hard time coming up with something they would all be able to do. We finally found a science type museum for kids in anchorage called THE IMAGINARIUM. It was fun. I got some great pictures of her, which I can't seem to download at present because the disk is formatted different. I guess I'll have to have them put on regular disk so that I can publish some of them on here. Anyway, I got pics of her playing in the bubbles, and with all the other activities. I'll post them when I can.

Adam turns 20 at the end of the month. Hard to believe I have a twenty year old. Harder still to think that our first son, Andrew, would be 22 this Christmas. Ouch! I'm getting old.

I was able to play the piano at church yesterday. I have been so out of practice that playing has been somewhat embarrassing to me. I'm finally getting back into the swing of things, and played an offeratory in a way that I haven't been able to play in years. (At our last church everyone talked during the offering and it bugged me to death. To have practiced so much all week to play for them, and then they talked! I gave up the specials and just played hymns from the hymnal. Worked for them and it didn't hurt my feelings when they chatted. Lol) Anyway, it made me cry because God had been so good to be my fingers during the special. He is so amazing! Even when we aren't faithful like we should be. So, I'm getting ready to start practicing everyday again. I haven't done that in years. Should be good for me.

Well, that's all for now. Oh yeah, my mom and dad celebrated their 46th anniversary yesterday. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MOM AND DAD!!! And mom celebrated her birthday on Wednesday. I'm fortunate to have had them all these years and pray for many years yet to come.

Love to each of you. Hope this week is a blessing to all!


1 comment:

Kristi said...

Sounds like Allison had a fun birthday regardless of the rain. I love hands-on Science museums. Hope you're able to share the pictures soon.
John's birthday was today so we had supper at mom and dad's house. I'll post that tomorrow morning, Lord willing.

Love ya,