Monday, February 23, 2009

Good Morning, Everyone!!!

Good Morning! It's a BEAUTIFUL day in Alaska today. The sun is shining brightly. That's a nice change from the gray skies we have a lot during the winter. We are gaining more daylight each day, about 5-6 minutes daily. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly. Won't be long and we'll have mostly daylight again. We have had several little snows lately. Not enough to make things deep, but just enough to cover the dirty snow with fresh white snow. 8) Makes things beautiful again.

Art went to a men's retreat this past weekend. He was really blessed. I'm anxious to see him and hear all about what he heard. Ashley went with him, and no, it wasn't to find herself a man. lol She went to keep the camp director's seven children. Yes, seven and number 8 is on the way. There are 4 girls and 3 boys ages 1-11?. I'm not sure about the oldest girl. Their names are Cheyenne, Dakota, Sierra, Montana, Sequoia, Larado, and Savannah. If things go as normal this next one should be a boy. Ashley had a wonderful time getting to know the kids better. They are the most well disciplined children we have ever seen. And yes, Ashley learned that a house with that many people can be kept clean, organized, and well run. lol Best lesson she could ever learn. She's a great babysitter. I'm glad she has all the opportunities she has had this year. She loves kids and is always excited to watch them.

Arianna and Allison are sitting at the table doing school work. Why is sitting at the table and being nice while doing schoolwork so difficult for some people??? Wait until they have kids of their own. I'm going to be sitting back and enjoying the squabbles and phone calls I get when their own kids just can't seem to get along. I'll try to refrain from the "I Told You So's". 8)

Well, that's about all for now. Take care and have a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Ashley is old enough to babysit! I remember coming over and babysitting her when she was just a very little baby and Adam was running around like a wild one! :) Hope ya'll are doing well ... and thanks for all the prayers and sweet encouraging notes!

Kristi said...

Hey cousin!!! Love you, Cousin!! You're my favorite cousin, Cousin!

