It's been way too long since I've posted on my blog. For all you who have tried to keep up with us, I'm sorry. It's been quite the year.
Alaska is still the land of our dreams. We love the sites God shows us everyday when we arise. Yes, our Govenor, Sarah Palin, is the new presidential running mate of McCain. What a smart move on his part to choose her. She's awesome! I've had so many of you write me and ask what Alaskan's think of her running with McCain. As a whole, we're thrilled, although you have your diehard democrats who, while they might admire her, are "horrified" that she's running. LOL Probably because they know how good a job she will do.
All three of our girls are homeschooling this year. Ashley, after two rough years, is finally a junior and should graduate in 2010. Yeah! Arianna is a freshman, and Allison a 6th grader. They are growing very fast. The empty nest looms closer and closer. Adam is married now. He and Christina are expecting our first grandchild in November. Braeden Jeffrey Roberts is due to arrive around November 25th, 2008. We are excited to see this precious new addition to our family.
Take care and know that we love each and every one of you. I'll try to update more faithfully.
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