Good Heavens! I'm way behind on the blog stuff. Hello everyone. Long time no write! Sorry for that. I just get busy and truthfully--forget. The old gray mare ain't what she used to be.
My grandbaby arrived on election day. He is doing beautifully. I'm so proud of him. He is starting to smile and is absolutely precious. But then, you can see that for yourself. We feel so blessed. Our daughter-in-law, Christina, is back at work and adjusting to taking Braeden to daycare. Christina works in the medical division of the Air Force Base where they are stationed. Adam is still working in the nuclear division and is making a name for himself as senior airman. We are proud of him.
The girls are continuing in homeschool. Like last year we find ourselves a little behind and running to catch up. Praise the Lord for the school we are registered through who has been such a wonderful support for us. Arianna dislocated her knee on December 22, 2008. Needless to say, that made for an interesting Christmas for us. God blessed us with a good Christmas and we were all healthy and together. What better gift could we have asked for.
My mother has retired. After many year in the banking system she is now able to stay at home again. I'm sure that after she gets caught up on all her housework she will need to find a new hobby. LOL You all probably know about having to do that. I know my daddy is thrilled to have her at home with him.
Art has started his new business with a fellow christian. They are called Intelligent Design, LLC. They make machinery to fit the needs of companies. At present they are doing lots of heat repairs and installations. Tis the season. That is keeping food on the table and bills paid. They desire to serve the Lord with their business and the profits that are made. Pray for them as they work hard to build this company and bring God much glory in the process.
I think that's about all that's new. We wish each of you a wonderful 2009. May God bless you and make Himself known to each of you in a new way every day.
1 comment:
Wow, you caught up and I didn't even know it. Too much time on Facebook! lol
At least there was something good that happened on election day, huh? A sign of hope? LOL
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