Hi. It seems that morning is the best time for me to blog. After getting up at 5:30am to get my hubby going and then dropping him off I am back home at 7:00am and everyone is asleep and all is quiet. I love this time of day. The pics above are of my daughter, Ashley, her dog, Roxanne, and Ashley's dog and our nephew-Alex. Hope you enjoy them.
I was listening to Charles Stanley again this morning while driving home from dropping Art off. He was talking about gossipping. He said the number one reason for people gossipping is PRIDE. Go figure! Pride is the number one reason for people doing most everything. Even knowing we are wrong or did something for a specific reason, pride can keep us from admitting the truth or it can allow us to bow up in anger because someone else knows we were wrong. I have an issue with pride. It was good to hear Stanley's message this morning.
Well, I have tons to do today. I'll probably only get a few things completed. I seem to run like molasses these days when it comes to cleaning. My energy is good for about 15 minutes, then I need to rest. I hate that feeling.....of needing to nap. It is a new life partner for me. Oh well, pray that I get at least half of what I NEED to do done.
Love to all,
Remember, Flylady does everything 15 minutes at a time. So, be kind to yourself today!! Loved the pics!! Later, Beth
That's funny....I was going to say the same thing your friend Beth said about Flylady. LOL Great minds, huh??
Enjoyed the pics. That last picture of Ashley looks just like you at her age. Dimples and all.
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