This is my Mom and Dad, Gene and Marjorie Koger, with my husband Art.

This is Adam at his graduation last year.

Hi. It's a gray, rainy day again. And it's still not really our rainy season. Arianna mowed the front lawn for the first time in her life today. It was a good experience for her. She's really pretty easy to get to help, especially if no one else is at home. She is such a fun person to spend time with. She doesn't like games as much as I do, but she has such a neat personality and has so many blonde moments that she's a joy to be around. LOL Don't tell her I said that.
I have finally found another homeschool group to join. I really like this one, and it offers the same stuff from before but with a much more friendly setting. Ashley has asked us to homeschool her again. I think Art is going to say yes. Part of me is glad, and part of me dreads it. She and I tend to clash quite a bit. She's the kid who when I homeschooled her in kindergarten and told her that "A" said "aah"(short a) she said, "No it doesn't. You don't know what you're talking about." And she's still that way. Pray for us both this year.
The kindergarten homeschool story made me laugh out loud. I wonder where she gets that spirit!
Don't even think it! If she got it from me, she's 10 times worse. lol
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