This is my home at the beginning of May. See the snow still near the front of the house? Art had knocked the snow off the roof and that was what was left of the snow for the winter. It was mid-may before it was all gone. lol It's a good thing I like snow and cold weather.

This is my home. It's small, sweet, and to the point, and I love it! I hate the color of the outside, but I don't look at that all day, and someday I will change it. But I love my home.

My dream home. LOL I already have my prince so I'll just have to sing...."someday my dreamhouse will come..."

Hatcher's Pass

Another pic of Hatcher's Pass

Hatcher's Pass. This is mid-April. See how much snow was still on the mountain?

Hatcher's Pass. Look at the blue sky and the blue mountains. Isn't it awesome!

These are the children at church during children's church this past sunday. Our topic was God Is Holy. As a fun thing I had them spell out holy. Using your imagination, I think you might be able to see it. LOL Aren't they cute?

This is our home.

This is our home. Art it adding more cabinets to the kitchen so the big square thing leaning against the front is the piece of granite that is going to be my desk top. It was too heavy for Ashley and I to move to take the picture.

Hey, thanks for sharing your pictures. Now when I think of you, I'll picture you and your prince in your home with Hatcher's Pass near you. Which, by the way, was breathtaking. How can anyone question that there is a God?
I liked how Art was waving over his shoulder...probably came home and just wanted to get in his house and rest. LOL
Hello Angie,
thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of your new home and of course Hatchers Pass.
Oh you are so right about the beautiful ski and mountains. Alaska is one of the many places that I have always wanted to go but will never make it. You can be my window to Alaska. Send me all you can.
Hope your cabinets will go up fast. It is so hard being without them as I know. Larry redid all of ours as an anniversary present and they look so pretty. He had a new sink and counter top put in also.
I love you honey. Keep blogging.
Love you,
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